




Evidence of GodThe argument for Creationism from design and order is clear in the following lines, written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Aurora Leigh:

  Earth’s crammed with heaven,

  And every common bush afire with God;

  But only he who sees takes off his shoes;

  The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.


1. 神直接的断言证实神的存在

⊙出 3:14-15; 赛 43:10

  2. 神的作为证实神的存在

⊙创 1:1; 王上 18:24-39; 诗 9:16, 100:3, 105:2, 5-6, 16-27, 43-45; 林后 1:21; 来 3:4

3. 人的直觉证实神的存在

⊙ 诗 10:4, 14:1; 传 3:11; 约 1:1-5, 9; 罗 1:19-20, 28, 32, 2:14-15

4. 神的子民证实神的存在

⊙诗 105:41-45; 赛 40:9-11; 林前 8:3; 约一 2:3, 4:7-8

  5. 万国证实神的存在

⊙诗 68:32-33, 117:1, 148:7, 11-13; 赛 41:1-4; 玛 1:11; 徒 17:26-27

6. 大自然证实神的存在

⊙ 伯 12:7-9; 诗 8:1, 19:1-6, 50:6, 69:34, 93:1-4, 104:10-25, 148:7-10, 13; 徒 14:15-17




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